Advanced Hydric Soils – Online
Classroom Component: Online and on demand
Field Component: There is no field component associated with the online only version of this class
The advent of the Hydric Soil Indicators into three-parameter wetland delineations has raised the bar on understanding the role of soils in wetland determinations. However, like any advance in scientific application, the divide between intent and application can be wide as field practitioners struggle to comprehend the intention of the many-nuanced and often-updated hydric soil indicator definitions. In this course, students will learn advanced soil science concepts from professional soil scientists to bridge the knowledge gap between reading what an indicator says and applying it in the field.
Students will complete 6 hours of online classroom study through our Soil Hub learning modules. These modules can be completed all at once or the student can stop and start at their own pace with the option to save their progress and return later to complete each lesson. Students will advance their technical foundation with in-depth study on the science behind the indicators. At the conclusion of the course, students can expect to have an advanced understanding of:
- Soil horizon nomenclature including master horizons and subdivisions
- Soil horizon boundary descriptions
- Describing coarse fragments, soil structure, and other soil physical properties
- Redoximorphic feature chemistry
- Methods of determining soil parent material
- Understanding and describing landforms
- Identifying and describing redoximorphic features