All Soils

“All Soils” refers to soil layers with any USDA soil texture.
All mineral layers above any of the layers meeting the requirements of any A indicator, except for indicators A16 and A18, have a dominant chroma of 2 or less, or the thickness of the layers with a dominant chroma of more than 2 is less than 15 cm (6 inches). In addition, nodules and concretions are not considered to be redox concentrations for the application of the indicators.


A2-Histic Epipedon

A3-Black Histic

A4-Hydrogen Sulfide

A5-Stratified Layers

A6-Organic Bodies

A7-Mucky Mineral

A8-Muck Presence

A9-1 cm Muck

A10-2 cm Muck

A11-Depleted Below Dark Surface

A12-Thick Dark Surface

A13-Alaska Gleyed

A14-Alaska Redox

A15-Alaska Gleyed Pores

A16-Coast Prairie Redox

A17-Mesic Spodic

A18-Iron Monosulfide