[title type=”modern-h2″ align=”center”]soil scientist led field and online training[/title]
[icon_feature new_tab=”no” icon_position=”left” border=”no” animation=”left-to-right” icon=”hb-moon-screen” title=”Study on Your Schedule”]We know you’re time is valuable and that’s why we offer the classroom portion of our class online and on demand so you can study when and where you want… even on a mobile device.[/icon_feature]
[icon_feature new_tab=”no” icon_position=”left” border=”no” animation=”left-to-right” icon=”icon-group” title=”Learn with Others”]Once you’ve mastered the classroom material, spend time in the field with our soil scientists and other students learning real-world application of the material.[/icon_feature]
[icon_feature new_tab=”no” icon_position=”left” border=”no” animation=”left-to-right” icon=”hb-moon-brain” title=”Gain Valuable Insight”]Learn the underlying soil theory built into the language of the Hydric Soil Indicators so you can use them with confidence in all field situations.[/icon_feature]
[icon_feature new_tab=”no” icon_position=”left” border=”no” animation=”right-to-left” icon=”hb-moon-stairs-down” title=”Build Knowledge Step-by-Step” animation_delay=”400″]Our four-part Hydric Soil Training Series is designed to lay a firm foundation, layer knowledge on top, and provide you with the skills and tools to excel in your profession.[/icon_feature]
[icon_feature new_tab=”no” icon_position=”left” border=”no” animation=”right-to-left” icon=”hb-moon-puzzle-3″ title=”Customize Your Learning” animation_delay=”400″]Our Hydric Soil Training Series is designed to be taken step-by-step or as standalone training. You decide which components are right for you. Can’t join us in the field? You can elect to only take the online learning modules.[/icon_feature]
[icon_feature new_tab=”no” icon_position=”left” border=”no” animation=”right-to-left” icon=”hb-moon-location-2″ title=”Flexible Field Locations” animation_delay=”400″]We offer multiple field locations for each training so you get to experience soil variability across geographic areas.[/icon_feature]
[icon_feature new_tab=”no” icon_position=”left” border=”no” animation=”bottom-to-top” icon=”hb-moon-steps” title=”Practical Field Experience” animation_delay=”600″]Classroom and book learning is important, but when dealing with soils, nothing beats getting into the field and learning by doing.[/icon_feature]
[icon_feature new_tab=”no” icon_position=”left” border=”no” animation=”bottom-to-top” icon=”hb-moon-support” title=”We’re Here to Support You” animation_delay=”600″]Our goal is to raise your level of soil knowledge and make you a more confident and polished professional.[/icon_feature]
[icon_feature new_tab=”no” icon_position=”left” border=”no” animation=”bottom-to-top” icon=”icon-money” title=”Save Money” animation_delay=”600″]Our class format saves you time and money by limiting your travel for only the field exercises, leaving you more time to stay plugged in with your clients and projects.[/icon_feature]
The advent of the Hydric Soil Indicators into three-parameter wetland delineations has raised the bar on understanding the role of soils in wetland determinations. However, like any advance in scientific application, the divide between intent and application can be wide as field practitioners struggle to comprehend the intention of the many-nuanced and often-updated hydric soil indicator definitions. In this training series, students will learn advanced soil science concepts from professional soil scientists to bridge the knowledge gap between reading what an indicator says and applying it in the field.
Students will complete online classroom study through our Soil Hub learning modules. These modules can be completed all at once or the student can stop and start at their own pace with the option to save their progress and return later to complete each lesson. During the online classroom portion of the course, students will advance their technical foundation with in-depth study on the science behind hydric soils and the hydric soil indicators. Finally, students will get practical in-field training in hydric soil description and interpretation techniques by spending valuable field time with our soil science instructors at various locations across the region.

No Sites are Currently Scheduled
Classroom: Online and on demand
Field: TBD
Registration: CLOSED
Credits: Approved for 0.8 Certification Renewal Points through the Society of Wetland Scientists. This Course has been pre-approved by the Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program (SWSPCP) as meeting standards for content and instruction to receive credits and/or points toward SWSPCP Professional Certification or SWSPCP Professional Certification Renewal.
[title type=”modern-h3″ align=”center” color=”#de9426″]or for the online only learning modules if you can’t join us in the field[/title]

Fundamental Hydric Soils Online
Classroom: Online and on demand
Field: There is no field component to the online only version of this class
Registration: OPEN
Credits: Approved for 0.4 Certification Renewal Points through the Society of Wetland Scientists. This Course has been pre-approved by the Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program (SWSPCP) as meeting standards for content and instruction to receive credits and/or points toward SWSPCP Professional Certification or SWSPCP Professional Certification Renewal.
[title type=”modern-h3″ align=”center” color=”#de9426″]join us for part II: advanced hydric soils
choose one of our two great field locations…[/title]
choose one of our two great field locations…[/title]

No Sites are Currently Scheduled
Classroom: Online and on demand
Field: TBD
Registration: CLOSED
[title type=”modern-h3″ align=”center” color=”#de9426″]or for the online only learning modules if you can’t join us in the field[/title]

Advanced Hydric Soils Online
Classroom: Online and on demand beginning April 1, 2018
Field: There is no field component to the online only version of this class
Registration: OPEN
[title type=”modern-h3″ align=”center” color=”#de9426″]Please check back for details on the rest of the training series[/title]